
BTC ZK 上线 市场 形态 2024-01-22 52


Approaching the end of the year, experienced traders understand that this time of year, like the current market, can be sluggish. As we near the end of recent trades, the trading line for Bitcoin (BTC) is showing a unique cross-shaped pattern, revealing subtle dynamics in the market from last week. In addition to the outstanding performance of fan coins, many smaller cryptocurrencies have also begun to make their mark over the weekend. However, if BTC fails to stabilize at the crucial $42,000 position this week, the market may continue to adjust, with the support zone of $36-38k becoming a key line of defense. This adjustment may be temporary.

In regard to the upgrade of Ethereum (ETH), while some may be disappointed with the outcome of this upgrade, it is worth noting that both the two leading projects, Optimism (OP) and Arbitrum, in the L2, as well as ETH itself, have experienced rapid price increases. This indicates that funds are flowing and investors remain optimistic about the future of the Ethereum ecosystem. Additionally, there are rumors that ZK-SNARKs is about to be launched, with completion of the snapshot completed in December. Binance plans to launch an IEO for ZK-SNARKs mining after the Alt project's IEO ends. While this news has sparked widespread attention and anticipation in the market, the authenticity of this information has yet to be verified. Regarding ZK-SNARKs, although the authenticity of this information cannot be confirmed at present, many investors have been eagerly anticipating its launch. Among the four L2 giants, it is the only one that has not released any news, so we can only wait for an official announcement to learn more.

The market is always full of unknowns and variables, so let us look forward to the launch of ZK-SNARKs together. Lastly, for those who enjoy spot trading and are interested in my bull market strategy layout, feel free to follow me for free sharing. I need fans, and you need references. Let's not miss out in the bull market! (The content in the image has not been verified, so please refer cautiously.)
