The Vulnerability of Women to the "Pig Butchering

PIG SCAM the TO 2024-02-05 92


Why do women fall victim to the "pig butchering scam" more often than men? Feng Tang said: Go to a mental hospital and see, men go crazy because they want to "fight for the world"; women go crazy because they crave love.Of course, this does not mean that men do not crave love, nor does it mean that women do not aspire to achieve something. On the contrary, it means that one of them is more obsessed with these two desires.Ordinary people lack love. Most people are doomed to never feel the burning passion, nor enjoy the starry eyes of a quality partner.A mediocre girl who only reads romance novels in her adolescence, longing to become the heroine one day, how can she refuse when she encounters the "fate" and the "male lead" like in a soap opera, even if she realizes that this might be a scam, but many women still fall for it.I don't think there is anything to laugh or mock about, it is better to look at it with sympathy. After all, behind every pig butchering scam, there is a soul longing for love.