Web3 通过创新的参与系统,社交应用程序可以解决虚假帐户问题


人们对社交媒体平台上的虚假账户和机器人的担忧日益加剧,凸显了 Web2 技术的局限性。Phaver 推出了一款带有游戏化系统的 Web3 社交应用程序,旨在打击机器人并激励真正的用户参与。

社交媒体存在虚假账户问题,2018 年的一项调查突显了青少年家长日益担忧的问题——超过 65% 的家长对社交媒体上的虚假账户和机器人感到担忧。

在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上发现的 1,305 个机器人帐户在一场重要的共和党辩论和唐纳德·特朗普采访期间传播政治虚假信息,凸显了问题的严重性及其破坏民主话语结构的潜力。

印第安纳大学还进行了一项研究,发现了一个由 1,140 个 ChatGPT 支持的 X 帐户组成的机器人网络,这些帐户窃取图像以创建虚假个人资料,并使用先进的人工智能 (AI)通过回复和推文相互交流


对于传统社交网络来说,解决用户真实性危机是一项艰巨的任务。2022 年超过 47% 的网络流量机器人生成,其中 30% 是有害机器人。Web3作为区块链的潜在解决方案而出现,它提供了确保特定平台上每个参与者的真实性的机制。

Phaver是一款 Web3 社交应用程序,推出了一种游戏化解决方案来对抗机器人帐户并激励用户在社交媒体上建立声誉。通过在航空公司计划中实施类似于忠诚度等级的等级系统,Phaver 旨在阻止困扰当前社交媒体环境的有害做法,例如农业和多重会计。

Phaver 的目标是建立一个更加精英化和用户拥有的互联网。资料来源:Phaver

用户积累类似于状态里程的可信度分数,这决定了他们在应用程序中的级别。Phaver 的系统惩罚有害行为,并用积分(相当于奖励里程)奖励真正的参与和信誉建设,而不仅仅是增加关注者数量。基于级别的每月兑换进一步抑制了滥用行为,促进了更健康的数字生态系统。例如,用户可以通过将钱包组合中的各种 NFT 连接到他们的 Phaver 个人资料来提高自己的声誉。

从 Web2 限制到 Web3 机遇

The platform enhances the user experience with perks for different levels, including benefits within the app, such as increased Phaves (akin to super-likes) and the ability to post sponsored content, along with external rewards like access to partner whitelists. Designed to ensure a balanced supply-demand in the market, Phaver’s mechanism also offers benefits to early adopters, aiding the network’s growth.

By the end of 2023, Phaver’s innovative system had attracted over 100,000 wallets, connecting NFTs worth more than $100 million. With the uniqueness of profiles in higher levels reaching 99.9%, the platform showcases its effectiveness in fostering a genuine and engaged community.

Phaver lets users opt in and out of the on-chain Lens posting depending on their needs. Source: Phaver

Phaver has integration with the Lens Protocol, a Web3 social graph on the Polygon blockchain, and CyberConnect, a Web3 social network, to create a decentralized social platform where users can securely store their content on-chain.

By leveraging these technologies, Cointelegraph Accelerator participant Phaver safeguards user data against centralized control and ensures users can move seamlessly between apps without losing their content and followers.

The platform raised $7 million in funding and has shown robust traction, boasting over 250,000 unique app installs and more than 50,000 daily active users, with retention rates surpassing Web2 standards. According to Phaver, users in Korea average 6 hours weekly on the platform.

The rise of bot networks and traditional platforms’ inability to discern between genuine and artificial accounts have highlighted the limitations of Web2 technologies. In response, the emergence of Web3 proposes a foundational shift for social media platforms, leveraging blockchain to authenticate user identities and interactions with the goal of restoring trust and authenticity in digital communities.

Learn more about Phaver

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