独立音乐人在获得认可和财务稳定的过程中面临着许多挑战,这些挑战通常源于 Spotify、Apple Music 和 SoundCloud 等 Web2 平台的中心化性质。虽然这些平台最初提供了有希望的曝光途径,但现实却不尽如人意,使得艺术家们难以在版税和对其作品的控制方面获得公平的补偿。
问题在于流媒体服务分配收入的方式:艺术家本人获得的收入微乎其微,唱片公司通常会为他们的作品争取比独立音乐家更高的报酬。Spotify 报告的每次流媒体支出进一步体现了这种差异,到 2024 年,支出将降至 0.003 美元至 0.005 美元的微不足道的范围内。
雪上加霜的是,Spotify 最近的政策变化给独立艺术家的道路设置了另一个障碍。到 2024 年,该平台将停止对一年内播放量少于 1,000 条的曲目收取版税。虽然技术细节表明这些曲目仍将产生版税,但资金将向上输送,通常有利于更大的艺术家。这个 1,000 条溪流的悬崖为试图突破并建立粉丝群的独立音乐家造成了重大障碍。
您在 Spotify Wrapped 中找不到的一项统计数据是,艺术家在该平台上的所有聆听活动获得了多少报酬。
- 音乐家和联合工人联合会 (@UMAW_) 2023 年 11 月 29 日
2023 年,每条流媒体的最高限额为 0.003 美元。到 2024 年,Spotify 将停止为平台上 2/3 的曲目支付任何费用。pic.twitter.com/OCMHsHNce5
NFT 如何帮助音乐家
这就是Web3,特别是不可替代代币(NFT)作为一种解决方案的出现,有可能改变独立音乐行业。音乐 NFT 允许艺术家直接向粉丝出售歌曲、专辑或独家数字内容。NFT 方法绕过了唱片公司和流媒体平台等中介机构,使艺术家能够从其作品产生的收入中获得更大份额。与流媒体的收入基于不可预测的播放次数不同,NFT提供了更透明、更直接的收入流的潜力。
Music NFTs also act as a bridge between artists and their fans, fostering a sense of community and ownership. By owning an NFT, fans actively support the artist and gain access to various benefits like early access to new songs or exclusive behind-the-scenes content.
The limitations of current music NFTs
While music NFTs already exist on several blockchains, they can only represent one digital asset, such as a single song. This restriction is highly inflexible, as musicians typically work with multiple songs packaged as an album or playlist.
The current music NFTs are permanently static, lacking the capacity for updates or changes. Musicians desire the ability to evolve and modify their music and copyright terms over time, enhancing fan engagement by offering a continuous stream of fresh content.
Although music NFTs hold great promise for fostering deeper connections with fan bases, this potential hinges on one critical factor — the ability to update the information embedded in the NFT itself.
Introducing dynamic Data NFTs
Itheum Protocol, an omni-chain data ownership infrastructure layer , aims to overcome these limitations by allowing musicians to develop and update their content through its Music Data NFT technology.
At the heart of the Itheum Protocol lies Data NFT technology, which allows musicians to transform static or dynamic data assets into NFTs. These NFTs function as transferable licenses, granting ownership and control over sharing or trading access rights to the data. Data NFTs empower creators to tokenize their data, similar to other NFT assets, but with the added flexibility of managing access rights.
Unlike traditional NFTs that represent static assets, Music Data NFTs can be updated by artists, allowing for evolving content. This dynamic capability has the potential to enhance fan engagement, offering features like unlocking additional content upon interaction. Moreover, Music Data NFTs give artists greater control over distribution and royalty structures.
Verified fans who own Data NFTs can also establish direct communication with artists, creating access opportunities for exclusive content such as unreleased music or merchandise. This connection could strengthen the bond between musicians and their fanbase.
Cointelegraph Accelerator participant Itheum envisions Music Data NFTs operating seamlessly across various blockchains. The envisioned interoperability enables artists to access diverse NFT ecosystems, potentially building fanbases and extending their exposure to a broader audience across various blockchain communities.
Key features of Data NFTs. Source: Itheum Protocol
Giving the power to musicians and fans
音乐家可以在NF.Tunes上展示他们的音乐数据 NFT ,NF.Tunes 是一个基于 Itheum Protocol 技术构建的 Web3 音乐门户。该平台作为艺术家展示音乐数据 NFT 的空间,让粉丝在与艺术家社区互动的同时探索和聆听新音乐。
凭借其音乐数据 NFT,Itheum 为音乐行业更加以艺术家为中心的未来铺平了道路。通过解决当前 NFT 模型的局限性,Itheum 让我们得以一睹未来的风采:独立音乐家不仅能在迷宫般的音乐世界中遨游,还能在其中茁壮成长。
您是一位想要使用音乐数据 NFT 的独立音乐家吗?在这里加入。
了解有关Itheum 协议的更多信息
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