摘要: 林迪效应的解释 林迪效应(也称为林迪定律)是一种理论,认为不易腐烂的事物(例如技术或文化现象)的预期寿命与...
百老汇演员曾经聚集在纽约的 Lindy Deli,作家纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布 (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) 正是在这里首次引入了这个术语。林迪效应表明,如果百老汇演出持续特定的周数,其寿命将大致相同。这一原则意味着某物存在的时间越长,预期它继续存在的时间就越长。
如果区块链项目已经证明了其可行性和寿命,那么从长远来看,它更有可能保持相关性和盈利性。比特币 ( BTC ) 和以太币 ( ETH ) 等已存在十多年的加密货币就体现了这一原则。
当谈到比特币——自 2009 年以来出现的第一种加密货币——林迪效应是高度相关的。
全球范围内的加密货币法规各不相同,一些国家拥抱加密货币,例如萨尔瓦多,该国于 2021 年将比特币定为法定货币,而其他国家(例如中国)则实施了彻底禁令。监管变化可能会严重影响比特币的市场,限制带来的下行压力会影响其价格,而交易所交易基金批准和改进的安全协议等可及性措施的增强则可能会导致价格上涨。
无论如何,比特币在市值和用户基础方面一直稳居加密货币榜首。当其市值短暂超过白银时,它也跻身全球第八大资产行列。2024 年 3 月 6 日,随着黄金在传统市场飙升至前所未有的 2,130 美元,比特币创下新纪录,达到 69,210 美元,这对加密货币社区来说是历史性的一天。
根据林迪效应,如果比特币能够持续存在并充当去中心化的财富存储和交换媒介,那么它就有更大的机会保持重要地位。它的广泛使用、网络安全和机构利益都是其韧性的标志。此外,随着时间的推移,比特币的价值主张和稀缺性因其协议规定的2100 万枚比特币的固定供应上限而得到增强。
The endurance of Bitcoin throughout market downturns, its ability to attract long-term hodlers (holders), and its continuous development and improvement through innovations like the Lightning Network and Taproot are a few instances of the Lindy effect in action.
Other examples include innovative solutions, such as the RSK platform and the BRC-20 token standard, which aim to expand Bitcoin’s capabilities, introducing smart contracts and tokenization directly on its blockchain. That said, Bitcoin’s compliance with the Lindy effect highlights its standing as a key technology that could play a long and lasting role in the digital economy.
Metcalfe’s law vs. The Lindy effect
Metcalfe’s law and the Lindy effect are two different but complementary principles used to assess the worth and lifespan of systems.
According to the Lindy effect, something’s probability of continuing into the future increases with its duration. Age is a stand-in for potential resilience and focuses on an entity’s ability to withstand changes.
On the other hand, the value of a network is proportionate to the square of its user base, according to Metcalfe’s law. It highlights the concept of the “network effect,” which holds that a network’s value increases with the number of users it has because of the greater connectivity and interaction. Metcalfe’s law addresses the growth dynamics and network effects inside systems, whereas the Lindy Effect focuses on the age and robustness of systems.
Related: What is Reed’s law, and why does it matter in the crypto space?
Implications of the Lindy effect for crypto traders and investors
The Lindy effect has significant ramifications for cryptocurrency traders and investors, which might influence their approach and choices.
Firstly, it highlights the importance of history and longevity when assessing cryptocurrencies. According to the Lindy effect, projects with a longer history — like Bitcoin and Ethereum — have a higher chance of demonstrating resilience and remaining relevant over time. Rather than investing in newer, unproven initiatives, investors might prefer to focus on allocating their resources to these well-established cryptocurrencies.
Furthermore, according to the Lindy effect, cryptocurrencies with a track record of security, decentralization and community support are more likely to survive regulatory obstacles and market volatility. This knowledge can direct investors toward assets that have proven to be resilient and stable in the face of difficulty.