Franklin Templeton: Blockchain technology will bring a lot of investment opportunities, and Hong Kon
Jenny Johnson, Chairman and CEO of asset management giant Franklin Templeton, attended a seminar hosted by the Financial...
A 2024-03-06 56
Jenny Johnson, Chairman and CEO of asset management giant Franklin Templeton, attended a seminar hosted by the Financial...
A 2024-03-06 56
A 2024-03-06 95
A 2024-03-06 55
参与Early Access测试网的用户将获得多达六种收益来源 奖励:ETH质押APR、再质押APR、EigenLayer积分、流动性再质押代币积分、Parallel Diamonds、额外的Parallel和合作伙伴奖金。...
L2 Parallel Network based on Arbitrum announced on social media that it has opened its Early Access testnet, aiming to p...
TEST 2024-03-06 91
TOP 2024-03-06 86
第一个系列名为The VIP Pass Oasis Lounge Keepsake,已于周二发布,每个售价1,499美元,上限为1,000个NFT,福利包括使用2024年VIP节日通行证及其新休息室,该休息室提供“独家酒吧优惠”,包括“...
3月5日消息,区块链金融公司Metallicus CEO Marshall Hayner宣布该公司将进军以太坊二层(L2)领域,推出Metal L2项目并以MTL(Metal DAO)作为治理代币。...
火币HTX报道,L1区块链Dymension宣布即将推出RollApp Draft,并将RollApp引入主网。该Draft为社区批准的项目提供资金、基础设施、代币流动性、社区意识等等。...