$104M in Cryptocurrency Lost to Phishing Incidents in Nearly Two Months
According to The Block report, phishing attacks in the first two months of 2024 resulted in losses of up to $104 million...
CRYPTOCURRENCY 2024-03-11 97
According to The Block report, phishing attacks in the first two months of 2024 resulted in losses of up to $104 million...
CRYPTOCURRENCY 2024-03-11 97
火币HTX报道,据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,MakerDAO创始人Rune Christensen再次出售LDO和SHIB并买入MKR。过去20分钟,Rune出售了120亿枚SHIB和7.5万枚LDO(总价值66万美元),换为...
Last Thursday, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed the Decentralized Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, which is...
AS 2024-03-08 57
火币HTX报道,Shiba Inu在3月份每天吸引超过 8400个新地址,最高日新增地址达 21000,几乎是2月份日平均值的20倍。...
The Data Nerd reported that in the past five days, the whale 0xd6B deposited 200 billion SHIB (about $5 million) into th...
exchange 2024-03-07 72
火币HTX报道,据The Data Nerd监测,在过去5天里,巨鲸0xd6B向交易所存入2000亿枚SHIB(约500万美元)。就目前而言,他仍然持有2.8万亿SHIB(876.4万美元)。...
火币HTX报道,美SEC专员Hester Peirce和Mark Uyeda周三批评了该机构针对加密公司ShapeShift的最新执法行动,称该机构与ShapeShift的和解“增加了加密行业的模糊性”。...
SEC ShapeShift 2024-03-07 97
火币HTX报道,根据周二的文件,加密货币交易所ShapeShift与美国证券交易委员会达成和解要约,其中包括275,000美元的罚款以及该公司不再违反《证券交易法》的协议。ShapeShift此前被指控向其客户提供了“至少79 种加密资产”...
SEC ShapeShift 2024-03-06 54
火币HTX报道,区块链数据存储协议Serenity Shield在社交媒体发文称,即将在中心化交易所(CEX)上推出SERSH v2代币。...