According to the on-chain data tracking service Whale Alert, Tether Treasury added a total of 2 billion USDT newly minte...
FOUR 2024-03-10 72
火币HTX报道,据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,Tether Treasury于北京时间3月10日06:20左右在以太坊上通过2笔交易新增铸造总计20亿枚USDT,每笔10亿枚USDT,第一笔交易哈希为:0xa8772a569...
HTX data showed that BTC broke through 69000 USDT and is now at 69007.14 USDT, with a increase of 1.69% in 24H....
BTC 2024-03-10 64
HTX data showed that ETH fell below 3900 USDT and is now at 3899.62 USDT, with a decrease of 0.18% in 24H....
ETH 2024-03-10 80
As of March 7th, Circle issued a total of 2.6 billion USDC and redeemed 2 billion USDC in the past 7 days, increasing it...
AS 2024-03-09 93
火币HTX报道,Cyvers Alerts在X平台表示,DeFi交易平台unizen疑似遭到攻击,多笔交易被恶意批准,总损失达到210万枚USDT。...
火币HTX数据监测显示,BTC突破69000 USDT,现报69001.75 USDT,24H涨幅2.20%。...
HTX data showed that FIL fell below 10 USDT and is now at 9.9988 USDT, with a increase of 2.74% in 24H....
FIL 2024-03-09 101
A 2024-03-08 40