Israel approves first BILS pilot for stablecoin pegged to Israeli new shekel
for 2024-03-14 56
for 2024-03-14 56
火币HTX报道,据Whale Alert监测,北京时间3月13日23:23分左右,Ripple钱包转出1.4亿枚XRP,价值约合95,001,964美元,据悉,这批XRP转入到一个“rP4X2h”开头地址。...
Vega, a derivative network, will create a points derivative trading market, initially supporting EigenLayer points. Due ...
A 2024-03-13 42
Crypto 2024-03-13 73
Based on relevant page information, there are currently 190,275,987 RON tokens in staking, accounting for 63.14% of the ...
ARE 2024-03-13 68
A 2024-03-13 32
On March 13th, cross-chain DeFi protocol Entangle announced that the NGL token airdrop application page is now online on...
AIRDROP 2024-03-13 49
According to official sources, cross-chain DeFi protocol Entangle announced that the NGL token claim page has been launc...
IS 2024-03-13 84
3月12日消息,据官方消息,UniSwap Labs宣布现价订单(Limit Orders)功能已在Web App上线,这意味着用户可以自主设置价格交易代币,而无需过分关注行情数据。UniSwap表示,限价订单成本为零,没有最低Swap要求...
According to official sources, UniSwap Labs announced that the Limit Orders feature has been launched on the Web App. Th...
app 2024-03-12 49