GBTC experienced another significant outflow on March 7, reaching $375 million
On March 7th, GBTC had a significant outflow of $375 million, while BITB had an inflow of over $40 million. The CEO of B...
GBTC 2024-03-08 80
On March 7th, GBTC had a significant outflow of $375 million, while BITB had an inflow of over $40 million. The CEO of B...
GBTC 2024-03-08 80
On March 7th, DeFi platform Alpaca Finance announced that it has received a 250,000 PYTH (approximately $165,000) airdro...
AIRDROP 2024-03-07 79
A 2024-03-07 68
HashKey 2024-03-07 67
Crypto 2024-03-07 36
火币HTX报道,加密矿企Hut 8宣布关闭位于加拿大艾伯塔省德兰赫勒的工厂,德兰赫勒将立即停止作为比特币挖矿设施运营。转移高效矿机和退役低效矿机将改善Hut 8的现金流,降低比特币挖矿成本,预计每个EH可开采的比特币数量将增加约11%。...
BP 2024-03-07 102
火币HTX报道,Whale Alert监测数据显示,北京时间周二2:24 AM左右,1,258,779,690,988枚PEPE从Wintermute转移到未知钱包,价值8,832,135美元。...
火币HTX报道,基于Cardano构建的封装协议AnetaBTC在X平台表示,在Aneta V2中集成了utxoRPC并在数据库中维护索引,团队还创建了铸币stubs,使其能够构建验证者软件,而无需更改界面,并在验证者之间建立p2p连接和身...