BLOCKCHAIN 2024-03-08 71
Andrew Kang, co-founder and partner of Mechanism Capital, a cryptocurrency venture capital firm, wrote that the market i...
A 2024-03-08 88
GUILD 2024-03-08 62
HTX data showed that FIL broke through 10 USDT and is now at 10.008 USDT, with a increase of 0.65% in 24H....
FIL 2024-03-08 92
The market value of AI tokens in the cryptocurrency field has surpassed 25 billion US dollars, currently at 25,141,588,5...
AI 2024-03-07 73
The market showed JUP short-term breakthrough of 0.7 US dollars, currently reported at 0.7027 US dollars, with a daily i...
JUP 2024-03-07 55
执行官Charanjeet Singh宣布将在欧盟国家加强储存领域的合作,并在接下来的2.0版图优化去中心化支付结算方案。3月6日消息,捷克共和国支付公司Titan TokenX旗下项目Denpin Blueprint已于3月6日正式启动。...
TITAN 公司 2024-03-07 89
HTX data showed that ETH broke through 3800 USDT and is now at 3800.67 USDT, with a increase of 3.03% in 24H....
ETH 2024-03-06 92
火币HTX报道,据官方博客,DWF Labs宣布将购买1000万美元的TokenFi代币,计划开发Al产品。...
LABS 代币 2024-03-05 69
火币HTX报道,据Whale Alert监测,北京时间今日08:07,8,541枚ETH(29,201,576美元)从OKEx转移至未知钱包。...
ETH OKEX 2024-03-03 42