Polygon zkEVM launches custom endpoint to fix high predicted gas issue
Polygon zkEVM announced the launch of a custom endpoint to address the issue of estimated gas fees being much higher tha...
FIX 2024-03-12 96
Polygon zkEVM announced the launch of a custom endpoint to address the issue of estimated gas fees being much higher tha...
FIX 2024-03-12 96
LAYER 2024-03-12 90
EVM 2024-03-12 58
According to a report by Fidelity Digital Assets, although Bitcoin holders typically expect the quadrennial halving even...
bitcoin 2024-03-11 76
1.Tether signs MOU with Uzbekistan NAPP to promote the development and adoption of stablecoins and digital asset tokeniz...
HTX 2024-03-09 55
L2 链可以通过该市场将区块空间出售给共享提议者(proposer),包括以太坊主网 EVM 的提议者,他们通过满足多条链上的用户意图来创造剩余价值。3月9日消息,Espresso Systems 发文宣布正在创建共享测序市场 Based ...
火币HTX报道,区块链基础设施公司EspressoSystems推出Based Espresso的测序市场,这是一个向共享提议者拍卖排序权的市场。共享排序权包括参与分配给共享提议者的插槽拍卖,而共享提议者又会选择实体为rollup提议即将到...
CEO 2024-03-09 90
火币HTX报道,基于AI的数字资产信用评级项目Synnax Tech完成100万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,No Limit Holdings领投,Bitscale Capital、MH Ventures、Edessa Capital、以及...