A certain whale bought ETH and WBTC worth a total of US$26.96 million in March, making a total profi
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, a certain whale bought a total of $26.96 million worth of ETH and WBTC in Ma...
A 2024-03-12 96
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, a certain whale bought a total of $26.96 million worth of ETH and WBTC in Ma...
A 2024-03-12 96
BE 2024-03-12 79
The US dollar capacity in the Lightning Network payment channel has nearly reached $325 million, with a 37% increase in ...
A 2024-03-11 93
A 2024-03-08 75
A 2024-03-08 79
On March 8th, @ai_9684xtpa reported that PulseX had distributed 200 million DAI to 10 addresses in the past 14 hours, bu...
A 2024-03-08 77
Lookonchain monitoring data shows that a trader bought 424,373 NMT at a cost of $11,000 on February 8th and sold 199,893...
A 2024-03-07 93
火币HTX报道,澳本聪Craig Wright在COPA审判的最后一次盘问中否认伪造了他和他的前律师之间的电子邮件,Wright将时间戳和其他差异归咎于电子邮件诈骗、垃圾邮件文件夹、域迁移、监视和黑客攻击。据悉,审判将于3月12日恢复,双方...
火币HTX报道,澳本聪Craig Wright在原告加密货币开放专利联盟(COPA)的审判中面临针对Ontier电子邮件的伪造指控,他将于周五重新出庭,为他的前律师最初提出的指控进行辩护,即他们提交给法庭的信件被篡改。周五之后,法庭将于3月...
火币HTX报道,Craig Wright在周五作证时承认,他在加密货币开放专利联盟 (COPA) 审判中提交的比特币白皮书版本进行了更改。比特币开发商的律师Alexander Gunning提供了Wright对其“LaTeX 文件”白皮书进...