火币HTX报道,MetaMask 在 X 平台宣布与 Web3 奖励信息聚合领取解决方案 Daylight 合作推出空投资格验证功能。用户通过 MetaMask Portfolio 的 Explore 选项,可快速查看自己是否有资格获得生态...
火币HTX报道,MetaMask 在 X 平台宣布与 Web3 奖励信息聚合领取解决方案 Daylight 合作推出空投资格验证功能。用户通过 MetaMask Portfolio 的 Explore 选项,可快速查看自己是否有资格获得生态...
4月4日消息,以太坊Layer2区块链LightLink宣布完成620万美元种子轮融资,MH Ventures、Nxgen、以及数位个人加密投资人参投,新资金将帮助该公司继续为企业合作伙伴构建Web3生态系统,并改进专有技术,为用户实现无G...
火币HTX报道,行情显示BSV今日触80.4 USDT低点,现报81.82 USDT,自3月14日英国法官裁定Craig Wright不是中本聪后跌幅已近30%,过去14日跌幅达到33.9%。...
On March 13th, according to Spot On Chain monitoring, 30 minutes ago, a whale bought 702.8 MKR, about 1.94 million US do...
A 2024-03-13 36
On March 12th, a certain whale purchased a total of $26.96 million worth of ETH and WBTC in March 2024, with a total pro...
A 2024-03-12 102
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, a certain whale bought a total of $26.96 million worth of ETH and WBTC in Ma...
A 2024-03-12 100
BE 2024-03-12 82
The US dollar capacity in the Lightning Network payment channel has nearly reached $325 million, with a 37% increase in ...
A 2024-03-11 98
A 2024-03-08 78
A 2024-03-08 84