More than 1.28 billion PYTH are pledged, and the number of pledgers is showing a downward trend
According to Dune data on March 7th, there are currently 1,282,631,732 PYTH tokens in a staked state, with a total stake...
A 2024-03-07 39
According to Dune data on March 7th, there are currently 1,282,631,732 PYTH tokens in a staked state, with a total stake...
A 2024-03-07 39
PEPE 2024-03-27 76
据官方消息,由新一代“经济模型大神”、Blur 创始人 Pacman 新推出的自动生息型 Layer 2 网络 Blast 主网于北京时间 3&nbs...
AI 时代的到来,给与Web3行业尤其是web3游戏提供了新的范式,无论是基于 AI 训练专属的智能 NPC,又或者是通过 AI 技术的加持,让Web3游戏能够进一步通过 ...
There are several ways to buy coins1: Follow the trend2: Ambush at low positions3: Watch the news4: Follow the bloggers5...
ARE 2024-02-08 75
为什么要关注坎昆升级?1 月 12 日,美国 SEC 在万众期盼下宣布通过了比特币现货 ETF,该事件被视为是一个里程碑并具有重大的意义,但加密市场对此却反应平平,甚至在此之后比特...
近段时间Web3游戏项目 Portal 的空投挖矿玩法非常火热,这是一种通过在推特上创建有关 Portal 的内容来获得 CrystalDash 积分的玩法。推特上创建的内容传播越...