[Crypto360]比特币 (BTC) 价格何时将触及新的 ATH – Rekt Capital

ATH BTC Crypto 价格 币价 2023-12-13 47
Rekt Capital, a cryptocurrency analyst, has conducted an in-depth analysis of the current bull market for Bitcoin, exploring various key factors and indicators to predict its potential duration and conclusion. The analysis focuses on the four-year cycle, halving events, and the P Cycle Top Indicator, providing insights into the possible trajectory of Bitcoin's bullish run.

The Four-Year Cycle and Halving Events:

Rekt Capital emphasizes the importance of the four-year cycle in understanding the lifespan of a bull market, especially in relation to the significance of Bitcoin halving events. Contrary to previous viewpoints, the analyst suggests that the conclusion of the bull market may be closer to the first candle of the four-year cycle, indicating that the bull market may end around 2025.

By examining historical data, the analyst highlights a pattern that suggests bull market peaks typically occur around 500 days after each halving event. Based on this trend, Rekt Capital predicts that the current bull market may reach its peak between mid-September and mid-October in 2025.

P Cycle Top Indicator:

Rekt Capital discusses the P Cycle Top Indicator, known for identifying market tops through the crossover of two P Cycle moving averages. Despite a significant gap between the current moving averages, the analyst emphasizes their sensitivity to market changes.

The recent fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin have highlighted the sensitivity of the projected timeline. A minor 8% dip led to a significant adjustment in the expected peak date of the bull market. The analyst underscores the importance of closely monitoring these moving averages and predicts potential changes in the coming months due to significant price increases or decreases.

Overall, Rekt Capital's analysis provides a deeper understanding of the potential timing and trajectory of Bitcoin's price reaching new all-time highs, offering valuable insights for investors and enthusiasts alike.
