Twenty-something millionaires: Making money is har

BE HARD IS IT 2024-01-29 92


Young and successful, those who made a lot of money in their twenties, also need to be very careful to keep it.I have friends who made tens of millions in the 2017 wave, but few of them kept it, most of them were obsessed with contracts, and eventually gave it back!Making money is not easy, keeping money is even harder, every four years cycle, similar stories will be staged, happening to others is called a story, happening to yourself is an accident!There are also many people in foreign countries who made a lot of money in their twenties by doing self-media or e-commerce, but some young people are still too impetuous, they take the money they earn to buy luxury cars and luxury goods, and use the money to speculate on stocks and coins.When the money is spent and the investment fails, they rush out to teach and make money [sad] But some young foreigners are also honest, they just say they lost everything!Some young men value luxury cars very much. They would rather take all the money they earn to buy high-end cars, and not consider buying a house first. But financially speaking, cars are liabilities, and the money spent on cars will only depreciate over time.If the business can still make money, that's fine, you can buy a house after buying a luxury car, if not, it will be very difficult to turn over financially.