摘要:《确保肖像声音和图像安全(ELVIS) 法案》旨在保护个人的声音、图像和肖像免遭人工智能 (AI) 不负责任和不道德的使用,于 2 月 27 日在田纳西州参议院和众议院商务委员会获得两党一致通过。支持。 田纳西州拥有活跃的音乐产业...
《确保肖像声音和图像安全(ELVIS) 法案》旨在保护个人的声音、图像和肖像免遭人工智能 (AI) 不负责任和不道德的使用,于 2 月 27 日在田纳西州参议院和众议院商务委员会获得两党一致通过。支持。
Cointelegraph 有机会与 Dupler 讨论了学院在人类艺术运动方面的实地工作以及在各州首府根据人工智能倡导和捍卫艺术家权利的工作。
自从出现在主流领域以来,人工智能已经成为音乐行业的一个主要争论点。虽然一些艺术家热衷于采用和倡导这项技术,例如电子音乐艺术家 Grimes,但其他艺术家却因侵犯知识产权和深度造假的不断出现 而陷入疯狂。
“A lot of the AI issues are more complicated -more nuance or legal ambiguity- but this one seems pretty clear that you shouldn't be able to take somebody's image, voice or likeness and use it without their permission.”
Many states in the United States have what is known as a “right of publicity” law, which protects artists from having their image or their name used to sell something or to promote something without their permission.
Although most of these were written and implemented before the age of AI and don't cover the digital space or digital replicas.
Dupler said the goal is to update this for the digital age, with Tennessee being a “great place to start” due to its strong right of publicity law, which ws used by the Elvis Presley estate to protect his legacy and name.
Related: AI resurrects Elvis Presley for comeback live performances
“We did name the bill after Elvis, which really would be the first law of its kind that protects image, likeness and voice for artists and specifically in the context of digital replicas and AI.”
The Recording Academy executive said they have worked with the governor's office and stakeholders in the music community to craft this legislation and get the governor on board. He said they’re “optimistic” that the bill will pass the full legislature and be signed into law.
“We take nothing for granted,” he said, “which is why we get out and do the work that we did. Now that it's cleared these committees, the next step would be for the bill to go to the floor of the Tennessee House and the Tennessee Senate for a full vote.”
AI creating bipartisan action
Despite the controversy surrounding the topic, it has proved to be an issue uniting the music industry.
Dupler said due to its diversity, it is difficult for the music communityt to get everyone aligned on the same page. “What we have found is that when we do find that alignment and common ground, we're able to get great things done for the music community,” he said.
He pointed to two recent examples: the Music Modernization Act passed in 2018, which modernized music licensing laws for the first time in 20-plus years, and also the Save our Stages Act in 2020 which came as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in the largest infusion of aid to the arts in U.S. history.
“Two things back to back and different spaces, but places where the music community was able to come together to accomplish something,” he said. “We're hopeful in this context with AI particularly protecting likeness and voice and image, that we can do the same thing.”
Not only is the music industry coming together, but regulators across the political aisle. Dupler said it's “rare” when there is such bipartisan agreement around an issue.
如果此类立法没有得到认真对待,或者更糟糕的是没有以某种方式实施,其影响可能不仅仅是影响单个艺术家。《ELVIS 法案》不仅保护创意人员和公众人物,还保护遵守该法律的每个公民。
杜普勒提到了艺术家莱尼·威尔逊(Lainey Wilson),她在国会议员面前作证称,她的肖像被用来销售减肥软糖,但她并未参与其中。
录音学院首席执行官小哈维·梅森 (Harvey Mason Jr.)在去年接受 Cointelegraph 采访时也表达了类似的观点,他表示,虽然需要正确的监管,但人工智能有潜力成为“创意放大器”。
杂志:BitCulture:Solana 上的美术、AI 音乐、播客 + 书评