Spanish court denies Worldcoin’s injunction reques

COURT worldcoin 2024-03-12 47

摘要:Worldcoin, a “globally inclusive identity and financial network” founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has failed to defend its operation in Spain through legal action. The company filed an injunction aga...

Worldcoin, a global identity and financial network founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has faced legal challenges in Spain, where the local regulator, the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data (AEPD), issued a temporary order prohibiting Worldcoin from data collection for three months. The AEPD is investigating complaints regarding consent withdrawal and alleged data collection from minors.

Worldcoin responded by filing a lawsuit against the AEPD's order, claiming that it contradicts EU law, including the GDPR. However, the Supreme Court of Spain denied Worldcoin's injunction request, citing the priority of safeguarding public interest and questioning the quality of information provided by Worldcoin.

This is not the first time Worldcoin has faced regulatory pressure, as it has also encountered investigations in Hong Kong, Kenya, and India. The controversy surrounding Worldcoin stems from its use of biometric scanning devices called "orbs," which collect unique biometric data to verify user identities. Users who sign up for the service are paid using Worldcoin's WLD token.

The legal challenges in Spain highlight the growing scrutiny faced by technology companies operating in the global financial and identity space, and the difficulties they face in navigating regulatory requirements and compliance.
